Source code for osrf_pycommon.cli_utils.verb_pattern

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"""API for implementing commands and verbs which used the verb pattern."""

import pkg_resources
import inspect

[docs]def call_prepare_arguments(func, parser, sysargs=None): """Call a prepare_arguments function with the correct number of parameters. The ``prepare_arguments`` function of a verb can either take one parameter, ``parser``, or two parameters ``parser`` and ``args``, where ``args`` are the current arguments being processed. :param func: Callable ``prepare_arguments`` function. :type func: Callabe :param parser: parser which is always passed to the function :type parser: :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` :param sysargs: arguments to optionally pass to the function, if needed :type sysargs: list :returns: return value of function or the parser if the function returns None. :rtype: :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` :raises: ValueError if a function with the wrong number of parameters is given """ func_args = [parser] # If the provided function takes two arguments and args were given # also give the args to the function arguments = inspect.getargspec(func)[0] if arguments[0] == 'self': del arguments[0] if len(arguments) not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Given function '{0}' must have one or two " "parameters (excluding self), but got '{1}' " "parameters: '{2}'" .format(func.__name__, len(arguments), ', '.join(inspect.getargspec(func)[0]))) if len(arguments) == 2: func_args.append(sysargs or []) return func(*func_args) or parser
[docs]def create_subparsers(parser, cmd_name, verbs, group, sysargs, title=None): """Creates argparse subparsers for each verb which can be discovered. Using the ``verbs`` parameter, the availble verbs are iterated through. For each verb a subparser is created for it using the ``parser`` parameter. The ``cmd_name`` is used to fill the title and description of the ``add_subparsers`` function call. The ``group`` parameter is used with each verb to load the verb's ``description``, ``prepare_arguments`` function, and the verb's ``argument_preprocessors`` if available. Each verb's ``prepare_arguments`` function is called, allowing them to add arguments. Finally a list of ``argument_preprocessors`` functions and verb subparsers are returned, one for each verb. :param parser: parser for this command :type parser: :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` :param str cmd_name: name of the command to which the verbs are being added :param list verbs: list of verbs (by name as a string) :param str group: name of the ``entry_point`` group for the verbs :param list sysargs: list of system arguments :param str title: optional custom title for the command :returns: tuple of argument_preprocessors and verb subparsers :rtype: tuple """ metavar = '[' + ' | '.join(verbs) + ']' subparser = parser.add_subparsers( title=title or '{0} command'.format(cmd_name), metavar=metavar, description='Call `{0} {1} -h` for help on a each verb.'.format( cmd_name, metavar), dest='verb' ) argument_preprocessors = {} verb_subparsers = {} for verb in verbs: desc = load_verb_description(verb, group) cmd_parser = subparser.add_parser( desc['verb'], description=desc['description']) cmd_parser = call_prepare_arguments( desc['prepare_arguments'], cmd_parser, sysargs, ) cmd_parser.set_defaults(main=desc['main']) if 'argument_preprocessor' in desc: argument_preprocessors[verb] = desc['argument_preprocessor'] else: argument_preprocessors[verb] = default_argument_preprocessor verb_subparsers[verb] = cmd_parser return argument_preprocessors, verb_subparsers
[docs]def default_argument_preprocessor(args): """Return unmodifed args and an empty dict for extras""" extras = {} return args, extras
[docs]def list_verbs(group): """List verbs available for a given ``entry_point`` group. :param str group: ``entry_point`` group name for the verbs to list :returns: list of verb names for the given ``entry_point`` group :rtype: list of str """ verbs = [] for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group=group): verbs.append( return verbs
[docs]def load_verb_description(verb_name, group): """Load description of a verb in a given group by name. :param str verb_name: name of the verb to load, as a string :param str group: ``entry_point`` group name which the verb is in :returns: verb description :rtype: dict """ for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group=group): if == verb_name: return entry_point.load()
[docs]def split_arguments_by_verb(arguments): """Split arguments by verb. Given a list of arguments (list of strings), the verb, the pre verb arguments, and the post verb arugments are returned. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> args = ['--command-arg1', 'verb', '--verb-arg1', '--verb-arg2'] >>> split_arguments_by_verb(args) ('verb', ['--command-arg1'], ['--verb-arg1', '--verb-arg2']) :param list arguments: list of system arguments :returns: the verb (str), pre verb args (list), and post verb args (list) :rtype: tuple """ verb = None pre_verb_args = [] post_verb_args = [] for index, arg in enumerate(arguments): # If the arg does not start with a `-` then it is a positional argument # The first positional argument must be the verb if not arg.startswith('-'): verb = arg post_verb_args = arguments[index + 1:] break # Otherwise it is a pre-verb option pre_verb_args.append(arg) return verb, pre_verb_args, post_verb_args